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Safety Magic for Children - Karl Wagner

Safety Magic for Children - Karl Wagner

Regular price $15.00 USD
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KARL WAGNER, veteran of over 10,000 school shows across the USA, has written the first textbook on performing safety message magic. Not only does Karl offer you dozens of kid show routines that are both FUN and FUNNY, but he teaches you how to inject safety messages (or ANY messages) into many standard tricks and routines.

You'll enjoy reading Karl's patter and stories, plus his philosophy and real life examples. In these pages you'll find enough material to create several complete shows; but if you use only one or two routines, you'll be a winner with parents and teachers. Furthermore, Safety Magic for Children teaches you how to WORK with CROWDS of children from a man who has "been there." Karl's love of children, his energy and his positive approach will all serve to inspire you in your own kid show work.


  1. Safety First: tell kids why, give examples, costuming, photo trick, controlling audiences, don't embarrass.
  2. Opening Grabber: Think Safety Paper Tear, Think Safety Book
  3. Stop Light Safety, ropes, Beads of Prussia.
  4. Street Safety, eyes play tricks, watch cars
  5. School Yard equipment: Monkey Bars.
  6. School Bus Safety: Quiet on the Bus.
  7. Strangers May Hurt You: Candy Stick
  8. Bicycle Safety: Humpty-Dumpty who?
  9. Shoelace Safety: Bow Knot, Shoelaces.
  10. Add-On Effects: Rabbit in Hat Puppet,Square Circle, Phone Call, Forgetfu1Freddy.
  11. Pollution Problems: Oink! Keep America Clean, Fish Don't Dig Soap.
  12. Police Image: 20th Century Silks, Police Switch, Hip Hop Crossing Guards
  13. Safety Rules: Prof Nightmare, Watch Your Step.
  14. Poison Can Hurt or Kill: Dads Don't Know, Find the Poison, Which is Which?
  15. Making Accidents Disappear: Cost Money, Think Safety Box, Eye Test, Van, Clock
  16. Some Animals Bite: Coloring Book
  17. Safety Games: Hanfman, Tic Tac Toe.
  18. Dangerous Sharp Objects: No Cut, You Cut and I'll Restore.
  19. Rope Can Choke: Lucky Loops.
  20. Fire and Firecrackers: Leave 'em Be!
  21. Safety Posters: uses and sources.
  22. Guns Aren't for Play: Never Point a Gun, Are you sure that gun is empty?
  23. Patriotic Closers: 7 different American flag tricks.
  24. Sample Programs and Sources.
  25. Safety Last, final stories & comments.

LIKE NEW, HC w/dj, 320 pages

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