Great Magic Shows - Arnold Furst - SIGNED & Numbered
Great Magic Shows - Arnold Furst - SIGNED & Numbered
Taken from the pages of Genii magazine, Arnold Furst reviews the shows of Houdini, Jack Gwynn, Carter the Great, Rooklyn, Milbourne Christopher, John Calvert, Bill Neff, Jim Conley, Richiardi and Levante.
USED, 42 pages with many photographs from each show.
This is #237 of a special autographed edition.
SIGNED by the author
IMPORTANT NOTE: Former owner has pasted his nameplate, as well as small photos of the magicians that are mentioned throughout this book, on the inside front cover & onto facing page. There may also be a colored dot on the spine, by which he indexed his collection, as well as underlining throughout. THIS IS A USED BOOK, and the listed price reflects these possibilities.
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