Dick Oslund: The Road Scholar: Everything I Own has a Handle or Wheels (Book only)
Dick Oslund: The Road Scholar: Everything I Own has a Handle or Wheels (Book only)
The entertaining routines of Dick Oslund – Over 50 routines in all! Plus: Life On The Road – Backstage.
This books contains almost 50 colorful personality stories that for me, were worth the price of the book alone. I love learning about the history and personal stories of the successful showman. Welcome to the amazing journey with hilarious magician – Dick Oslund. This book is filled with a lifetime of experience from a guy who drove thousands and thousands of miles bringing millions of laughs to more than 20,000 audiences spanning a 65 year career as a professional magician. Sit back and enjoy the ride as Dick Oslund (a magician’s magician) takes you down the road one more time.
Features 402 pages of history, entertaining and comedic stories, routines and Dick’s successful philosophy: KISMIF = “Keep It Simple – Make It Fun!”
NEW, paperback, 402 pages
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