Before The Convention
Eric & I loaded up the trailer, and thanks to the generosity of Steve Zuehlke, the Gateway convention organizer, we also loaded all of the booklets into the truck, because he granted us a LARGE dealer space at The Gateway Close-Up Convention in Collinsville, Illinois.

I then picked up Bruce in the Twin Cities and headed south towards St. Louis. I can only stare out the front window for so long, so Bruce & I stopped twice to play a round of disc golf. I played well, however, Bruce kept on improving every time we stopped to play. Yay Bruce!
At The Convention
We were given over 7 hours to set-up our display, and we used most of it. We not only had the usual 21 boxes of books, transformed into a bookshelf, but also all 18 boxes of booklets, which were laid out on tables.

Upon setting up, I realized I had left some of my favorite items from Dead Rebel Magic back in Minnesota, on a shelf where I placed them "so that I wouldn't forget them." This seems to happen more and more as I age...
The Line-up of performers was wonderful. Dan Fleshman is always a treat, with his very clear presentations, and his super friendly personality. I enjoy meeting Dan every time our paths cross.
When Dan asked for volunteers to help him during his act, I was honored to help.
Nick Lewin, from the big state of Texas, was enjoyable, with his British sense of humor and quick wit that only comes from years and years of professional performing.
Robert Moreland performed and taught many of his own creations with cards. His Cloud Change looks like a special effect.
I did not know much about Steve Ehlers before this convention, but loved his smooth card work, and his humbleness when it came to sharing stories and moves he has perfected. Very impressive.
David Parr is a name most of you already know, but I had never seen him live, and he was great. I will admit that I expected him to lean towards the "find your inner shaman" style that many theatrical performers lean towards, but he wasn't that way at all. He had great stories tied in with his magic.
David fooled Penn & Teller with a routine using 2 decks of cards and a bell. When David placed the bell on the table and asked for a volunteer, no one except for me raised their hand. I will say that as much magic as I am familiar with, he fooled me bad, even while I sat RIGHT THERE helping. Once again, I was honored to help him with such a great routine.

Coin man, Michael Rubinstein, was also performing and sharing some of his material from his BIG book, Rubinstein Coin Magic. Michael also signed 3 copies for me to bring back for customers.

The guest of honor was John Bannon, who needs no introduction. He performed many of his "fractal card effects," as well as during his breakout sessions, taught almost ALL OF THEM so attendees could assemble them without having to purchase anything. That's the spirit of sharing that these smaller conventions bring.

At every convention, I give away a small stack of books to a random customer that signs up for my email newsletters. This time it was won by Ted McManus from Wisconsin.
Big THANKS to Steve Zuehlke and "the other Steve" for putting together a great convention.
After The Convention

On Saturday, Bruce and I packed it all back up. On Sunday morning we began our drive back towards Minnesota, but also had to make a stop at a beautiful disc golf course for 18 holes.
On Monday, Eric & I unloaded it all back into my shop, and made the website go live once again.
Thanks to everyone that helped make it so much fun last weekend. You are all appreciated more than you know.