Another Great Magic CORNvention for Don's Magic & Books

Another Great Magic CORNvention for Don's Magic & Books

This last weekend I met my magic buddy, Greg Phillips, in Des Moines, Iowa, for the 12th Annual AbraCORNdabra Convention, hosted by Steve Daly and Mikayla Oz.

Performers included Geoff Williams, Chad Long, Glen Micheletti, former Ringling Brothers Circus friend, Billy Scadlock, and Surprise guest performer/lecturer, all the way from California, the amazing Jeff Hobson!

Minnesota had quite a large showing, and it was a great time to reconnect with friends I haven't seen for a while.

Don's Magic & Books had our display in the dealer's room, and we spent plenty of time talking with magicians about books, tricks, and even a "blue light special" with DVDs.

We gave away a stack of books, worth $250, and they were won by Rob Moffett, whom you can see here assisting Jeff Hobson onstage.

At the flea market, I purchased about 50 used books, some of which are on the WANT LIST that some of you have titles on.  If I found your book, I'll be in touch with you soon.

Enjoy some more photos from the convention.

Billy Scadlock Charlie

"Charlie", and Don.

geoff williams magic

Geoff Williams lecturing.

Jeff Hobson

Jeff Hobson, creative and very funny.

Steve Daly

Super nice guy, and convention organizer, Steve Daly, and Don.

I look forward to going back again next year, with the convention dates of May 19-21, 2023.  Will you be there?


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1 comment

Hi Don, AbraCORNdabra was great as is usual. I enjoyed seeing you again and buying a few books. I am interested in learning more about the Lewis Jones’ book when you get it. I purchased quite a few of his books directly from him over the years.

Doug Clark

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